You are currently viewing Chapter 5: Tiens strength

Tien flew over the mountains, gliding down through the air with an ease that only his new wings could allow. The abilities he now held as a NeoHuman were amazing as they flowed through every part of his body. His senses were much increased and his speed seemingly held no bounds. Tien shot up in the air at speeds he had never felt before, he moved high up into the sky and came to a slow hover at the tip of the atmosphere with the moon and the stars shining brightly above him as he floated in space. With his wings outstretched he floated there for a moment and took in the beauty of the sky, then with one swift motion he moved back down towards the earths surface with his flying speed pushed to its limits. He slammed hard into the desert surface, in every direction from the point Tien landed sand and dirt moved as if a tsunami had dried up and moved its way across land with a new found force. Tien smiled, he liked his new powers.

Testing the limits of the NeoHuman powers was something that Tien took very seriously and he believed that he would be the person to handle this daunting task. This was the only way to know how well the NeoHuman abilities would match up with those of a Saiyan and the other numerous foes that the people of earth have been threatened by before. Strength and speed were that main categories that Tien needed to look into, some might think that technique would be the overpowering catalyst but Tien new far too well that technique was something anyone could gain should they apply their selves but raw power was much more harder to come by and then to be able to actually harness that raw power was a similar daunting task amongst itself. Tien witnessed Krillins great display of speed as a NeoHuman and he knew right away that it was more than a match for the speed of a Super Saiyan, as a matter fact, Tien had never seen something move so fast in all his years of experience. Tien couldn’t even follow Krillin when he stretched his senses out as far as his powers would allow. The rush created by the pure speed he gained in his new form was unbelievable.

Tien was normally a very calm and collect individual but it was becoming hard to control his excitement over his new abilities, he had found that last dragonball and decided to make the wish for NeoHuman powers he hadn’t really dreamed of what it would feel like to have the power himself. He didn’t covet the power, so he didn’t really think about how much the power would mean to him, he really just wanted the power so that the human race would be able to defend itself should the saiyans ever fall and not be able to do it for them like it had been ever since Goku arrived on earth as a child. The power that was given as a NeoHuman was amazingly deceptive to its true strength and possible maximum level of performance. Testing the physical strength of a NeoHuman would be a much more difficult task than testing the speed, waiting to test the strength in battle would not be a wise move and doing so in a duel could be a prime candidate for doing such but its unlikely that would test the limits of the strength as a duel would only be for practice and not really push Tien to the limits.

Tien rose to the air in a slow hover, while doing so he slowly raised each arm placing his index fingers one on each side of his third eye. His large white wings spread out across the sky portrayed a menacing shadow below on the ground as a select few feathers slipped off into the sky. The wind picked up as Tien focused his power and began to become blurry; a ghost like figure seemed to be emerging from Tien, arms outreached to the loose feathers in the sky. Tumbleweeds rolled across the desert floor, the sand seemingly floated in the air, and the heat could be seen rolling off of the horizon. The ghostly figure ripped itself from Tien and began to take shape as it connected with the loose feathers, the feathers wings wilted to a blackened form yet the wings of the figure maintained its white color with only streaks of the blackened feathers. Tien poured all of the hatred, anger, lies, and disgust he had felt over his lifetime in to the new creature. Tien was always known for his calmness and his ability to maintain emotional control during any given situation but he had feelings just like anyone else and he had never really let them out before because of his intense training in not doing so. He poured all of those feelings into this new creature, this mimic. When the creature finally took shape it looked like Tien but at the same time it didn’t, the most apparent missing feature was the absence of the third eye.

“Keep up!” The creature smiled at Tien with its sharp and jagged teeth. Then with a flash it was gone, off into the sunset as Tien took off to catch him. He didn’t get very far when Tien shot up over top of him grabbing him by his dark wings and rode him into the ground, the creatures face grinding against the rocks. Before they could come to a stop the creature rolled over and rode Tien into the ground before bouncing off and landing straight up around twenty yards away. It quickly became apparent to Tien that he had somehow created himself a perfect match; they were equal in power and every aspect that he could imagine. It would not be easy to dispose of someone or something that was equal in strength to him; he feared that he had made a great mistake and would have to dispose of it quickly.

Beams of light flashed from Tien’s hands towards the creature, it dodged each one as it flew from place to place in the air displaying its amazing agility. Tien kept the barrage of ki blasts coming at the creature as they raced through the sky. Then with one carefully placed blast Tien struck it right on the back of the head. The creature fell back quickly regaining its composure and then fired back at Tien with a enormous blast of ki. Tien was a second late but he was able too combat the blast with his own large blast of ki, which kept them suspended in the air as their blasts fought back and forth between each other attempting to explode through and hit the other. The blasts were effectively equal and neither opponent was able to gain the upper hand. They were just wearing each other out by keeping the ki blasts going without either side making any kind of progress at all. A fight like this, with the opponents so equally matched could realistically go on for days on end. At about the same time they pulled away from each others Ki blasts and shifted to the side to dodge the blasts. It was amazing how each were able to anticipate the others move and react, they moved around in exact unison as if the fight had been choreographed. Tien was immediately proud that he was able to create a imitation of himself that was so exact and so powerful, but he knew the dangers of this being considering that it was created from evil thoughts and memories.

The creature began to fade away as Tien lay their on the ground decisively defeated. Its presence was disintegrating into nothingness; it was created by Tien’s own power and with him dying there below there was nothing that could sustain the creatures power. It had to find something to sustain its life force before Tien died, it needed a host. Violently it flew around the desert not able to pick up the speeds that it was once capable of, at this point it was looking for anything to host its power before death came. There on the desert floor it spotted a raggedy black and brown coyote coming out of a cave to begin its hunt in the dark of the night. The coyote would have to do for now.

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