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Back in high school some friends and I would create this dragon ball z inspired music videos. Thanks to the magic of YouTube, some of these have survived! Lets go through them.

Ride on our enemies

Had to start it off with our hardest one. Tupac killing the game in this one as Trunks is really the focus of the video. Please excuse the quality of these videos as we were in high school and using pre-2002 video editing software. I have no idea what program we used to make these but we had a blast doing it.

Get off me

A lot of these music videos got deleted off YouTube back int he days that they would not allow you to have someone’s song on your video. Now days I think they just demonetize your video. LL Cool J seems like an appropriate song for this Broly inspired video. This song was actually off the Any Given Sunday soundtrack, which is one the best football movies ever.

Die Another Day

I made this one! I consider it my masterpiece. The Die Another Day James Bond movie had just come out and this song was a pretty big hit. I loved the movie too. Pierce Brosnan is usually not everyone’s choice for the best Bond, but he was a damn good one.

Mariah Carey: Hero

I saved the best for last. At some point there was a challenge issued to take a slow song and make a DBZ music video about it. Mariah Carey’s Hero was chosen and then history was made in our little group of DBZ enthusiasts. After this video came out no one else tried to make another slow song music video because they knew they would never be able to compete!

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