You are currently viewing Episode 6: No Time Like the Present

I really like the title of the episode photo there with the whole team hanging out reflecting on what happened. Bulma, being the smart one of the crew, asks how Raditz was able to find Goku and Piccolo tells her about the scouter. Bulma has Krilling remove it and Bulma goes to work on fixing the alien technology. Bulma quickly realizes she can reprogram it to show numbers in earth’s language instead of Saiyan. She is nice to have around. They turn around to say goodbye to Piccolo only to see him having a conniption.

Piccolo strains and grows a new arm. Right after he grows the arm he asks got Gohan to come with him for fight training. Krillin accuses him of just wanting to eat Gohan. Piccolo explains that Gohan is probably the most powerful being on the planet and he needs to train him to fight the Saiyans. They said he needs to ask Chi Chi but Piccolo just uses telekenisis to steal him away anyways. They are going to have a hard time explaining this to Chi Chi. She lsot her husband and now her son is kidnapped.

Meanwhile Goku has arrived at the after life welcome center where Kame is there making his request to some giant guy (King Yemma), is hearing the request. Apparently Raditz just came through and tried to fight and King Yemma put him in the King Yemma Lock. Kame wants Goku to go train with King Kai so that he can be ready to fight the Saiyans. Goku wants to stay and traing with King Yemma instead but Kame says King Kai is much stronger. Goku has to make his journey down Snake way to get to King Kai. Kame already knows more about the Saiyans than anyone else it seems, and he already knows that Piccolo is training Gohan, he really has the ever watchful eye.

Back on Earth Krillin trieds to get someone else to give Chi Chi the bad news but they all agree that he is the best man for the job. Krillin would rather die because he knows how fierce she is. Chi Chi meanwhile is suspicious that they are trying to teach Gohan martial arts and she only wants him to be a scientists. I guess Master Roshe’s tactics are pretty rought because Chi Chi thinks Gohan is going to be chased by sharks and bit by snakes.

Goku arrives at the entrance to snake way, which is specifically the road to King Kai’s place. I thought it was meant for more than that, but I guess that it is its sole purpose. The gued says its ten thousand miles long and King Yemma is the only one to ever make it to the end. The seems like an impossible task. The guide warns that if you fall off snake way there is no coming back. Goku is definitely going to fall off. Goku specifically requests not to be wished back for one year because he knows he has a lot of training to do. The guide is quite surprised that Goku can fly.

Piccolo begins his training of Gohan without wasting any time. Gohan is still asleep from that slap Raditz gave him though. So, Piccolo just throws him in the water to wake him up. Piccolo wants to immediately begin training but Gohan needs a moment to process and cry it out. Piccolo breaks the news that Goku is dead and then trys to instill toughness by telling him not to cry, besides he has nothing to worry about because of the dragon balls. Piccolo catches up Gohan on everything he missed and will be training. Piccolo says there is an incredible power sleeping within him. True Gohan! Piccolo is pretty mush the most evil trainer ever and responds by throwing Gohan at a mountain. Gohan gets angry at this and blows the whole mountain up and I guess everything as far as the I can see behind it. If you don’t like Gohan by now then you are never going to.

Piccolo does not even believe what he sees. Piccolo says there is ome irony in that he must train the son of his enemy and Gohan may one day defeat him. I am glad Piccolo never went evil again, its much more fun having him on the good guys sides. Gohan does not want to fight, he wants to be an orthopedist. No Gohan, you will be a fighter. Piccolo explains that he will not be going easy on Gohan… yeah I think we got that already buddy.

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