You are currently viewing Dragon Ball Z Soda

DyDo is a company that used to make these Dragon Ball sodas. I came across them at the local asian market and I would always snag a couple off the shelf when we went back through so that I could get my energy from the right Dragon Ball source and all be right in the world. Really they tasted like mountain dew. I still have two cans of the soda (full) as you can see below. I got a expiration date on the bottom of the cans of 2014, but I cant bear to take them off my shelf as they look so great.

Don’t they look awesome?

If you look real close in the picture above you can see why I never drank these two particular sodas. They are diet! It says zero right under the dragon ball label in very small letters. You can see how I missed this, but in missing this, I still have those two cans on my shelf to this day.

In my search for this long forgotten soda, I came up empty. I can’t even find out anything about the DyDo company listed on the bottle. Luckily this company Gosu toys seems to be making a new energy focused drink.

From what I can tell they do this for a lot of different popular brands. I went to their website and could find everything from Bob Ross sodas to mega man. The art on them is not as cool as the old DyDo ones that I have but at least there is still a company out there making dragon ball sodas

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